Place for South Florida bi and curious guys and couples to interact. Please post stories, polls, chats, pictures as the group grows!
type: submission flaircssclass: "promotion" author: accountage: < 10 satisfyanythreshold: true action: filter actionreason: age restriction on FLAIR post. message: |
Do not post your phone number, snap, IG, or any other platform to connect. That info can be sent in DM
Must be over 18 and post your age and area of South Florida you are looking for
/r/Shtahpitbank (2.4K)
/r/Adorablynude (10.6K)
/r/StraightGuysInThongs (29.1K)
/r/ballsblocktheview (2.2K)
/r/Pussy_Shrine (35.0K)
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