A place to talk about all things spanking culture related. If you love spanking and want to post anything spanking related or have spanking/lifestyle discussions, please stop by here.
Whether it be who you're posting, who's commenting/viewing, doesn't matter. Everyone here must be at least 18+. If you are posting art, make sure the characters at least look 18+
This is a community for the eye of peculiar taste. We are not here for your generic one smack on the ass. We're talking full-on hand spanking, belt whipping, paddle swatting, cane whooshing goodness.
Rule of thumb: -If your post looks like it only has less than 5 smacks/minutes, it doesn't belong here. -If it does pass the 5 smack threshold, but the context of the post is more about normal/non-spanking sex than the spanking or punishment [I.e. 10% spanking, 90% sex], it doesn't belong here.
It is encouraged that we bring up conversation about spanking. Things like how you got into it, why you like it, if you're a spanker/spankee/switch, how can you ask your partner you want to spank/get spanked by them, it is all welcome here. Anything spanking adjacent like consensual domestic discipline discussions or how you implement spanking in your sex life/relationship is also welcome.
/r/angelawhite (857.4K)
/r/TattooHentai (3.2K)
/r/GettingGlazed (1.6K)
/r/BibiJones (29.9K)
/r/HystericalLiterature (12.1K)
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