In the Spokane area and looking for hookups? One night stands? Looking to buy or sell sex toys or panties? Looking to meet up with other like minded folks in the area? Want to share naughty pics of yourself? This is the sub for you!
Looking for a platonic friend? Check out r/InlandNorthwestSFW!
It shouldn't need to be said, but be kind to your fellow redditors. This includes personal attacks, as well as kink, body, and identity shaming.
Read the full rule here.
Obviously your posts and comments must adhere to Reddit's official Content Policy, but should also adhere to the generally accepted Reddiquette.
Included in this rule are no soliciting of sex or drugs (legal pornographic content and adult items are OK) and involuntary pornography.
Read the full rule here.
Linking to or promoting Premium Digital Content (OnlyFans, Snapchat, etc.) is prohibited in posts and comments, and users who have posts related to Premium Digital Content on other subreddits, and their profile, may be barred from posting here. Also covered: No text on media (pics, video, etc.)
Read the full rule here.
ISO/hookup posts must strictly follow the ISO post title format. This is the #1 reason posts get removed, so be sure you read and understand the rule before posting.
Read the full rule here.
All posts require post flair. The mods will help out here and there, but failure to add the correct flair to your post may result in its removal.
Read the full rule here.
An example of a low-effort post would be a text post with a generic title, e.g.: "Feeling horny" or "Happy Humpday!" Text posts must include text in the body of the post. Titles that are too short or that are comprised solely of emoji may also be considered lazy. “Rate me” or variations of this post type will be considered lazy under this rule.
[Read the full rule here.](
This is definitely a tough one to judge, but the sub is called Spokane NSFW. Use your brain. General NSFW discussions that aren't Spokane-specific are fine, but keep in mind there are other subs where such activity may be more appropriate.
Read the full rule here.
A limit of one post per account per 24 hour period is allowed. Subsequent posts are subject to removal. (Note that this rule only applies to posts, not comments.)
Read the full rule here.
In an effort to cut down on spam and scams, we have established minimum requirements for account age and a positive karma count to post here. No, we will not share what those minimums are.
/r/Kiiroo (7.5K)
/r/xSpokane (18.7K)
/r/PnwFwb (8.7K)
/r/disney_sluts (17.0K)
/r/Disney_NSFW (33.5K)
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