A community to share and view NSFW content of the ongoing anime and manga series: Spy X Family.
All submissions must be relevant to Spy x Family.
All submissions must be NSFW only.
Any submission involving Anya or any of her classmates is not allowed and will result in an immediate permanent ban.
Extreme fetishes such as gore, scat, and etc, are not allowed.
u/HentaiSauce_Bot will automatically try to find the source for images posted. If the bot fails to do so or provides the wrong source, please do it yourself. Posts without sources will be removed.
Image aggregating sites do not count as sources unless the original (Pixiv, Twitter, etc) has been deleted.
If you need help finding the source, try using SauceNAO.
Reposts are not allowed for content that has been posted within the last 30 days.
These are only examples, and this rule is enforced based on the spirit of the rule, not the letter of the law. For example, if you wait 31 days to repost something, you may face the same punishments.
Do not post paid content locked behind a paywall such as Patreon or Fanbox. Repeated multiple violations of this rule will result in bans followed by a permanent ban.
Examples of this include:
•Low image quality (size and/or distortion of the image) compared to the original version
•Considerably Amateur Art
•Titles that fail to describe the image adequately or fail to be relevant to the image in their entirety
•Spam/Bulk posting with vague titles
• If you have a collection from a single artist, you still need to post them separately.
• The only albums allowed are ones from the same character by the same artist in the same set.
Do not promote your own websites or other off-Reddit communities
/r/YorForgerNSFW (63.7K)
/r/Animetrapss (17.7K)
/r/sevendeadlysinsporn (85.7K)
/r/Reze_Hentai (10.8K)
/r/karmahentai (2.1K)
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