For the appreciation of the feet of TGirls, CDs, etc...
The only acceptable term will be TGirl. Using terms like shemale, and tranny etc. can be offensive and we strive to be a friendly environment for all. Exceptions to this rule include self described traps and CDs
Please be friendly and accepting to everyone
Insults and personal attacks are not allowed and will result in an automatic ban
All models featured must be over the age of 18. This includes hentai.
Posts must be of feminine models. There is a bit of a gray area here being subjective to each person. The moderators have final say in what is considered 'feminine enough'. Community feedback will also be taken into account when deciding whether or not a post belongs
Do not solicit or harass self posters for private messages. No means no. No response means no. Do not post contact information in posts or comments.
Advertising for monetary gain or selling of any kind is prohibited
Please use the provided tags to appropriately flair your post
/r/Tgirls (696.2K)
/r/FeetInYourFace (426.0K)
/r/menslegs (25.1K)
/r/frontviewpanties (97.5K)
/r/TGirlsgettinghard (47.7K)
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