Beautiful pre-op mtf trans women in sexy lingerie!
Posting content that doesn't belong to you violates Reddits Non-consensual Intimate Media policy and can result in you, and the subreddit being banned. Do not post content that doesn't belong to you. You may crosspost content from the content owners account, but do not post it on your own without consent.
All posts must include images, gifs, or videos of feminine mtf women in sexy lingerie. Low quality/low effort content, or cheap distasteful lingerie will be removed. Just panties, robes, underwear, and things you might wear under your clothes or to bed on a regular basis, or in most cases bra and pantie sets are not what we are looking for here. Let’s keep it hot, sexy, and elegant. Dress for sex!
Please allow at least 16 hours between each of your posts, so as not to overwhelm the feed.
No low effort poses, or excessively closeup angles. No grainy or blurry images, images with bad white balance. Try your best to take nice pictures to compliment your outfits.
Decent quality pictures/gifs, and well put together lingerie sets compliment each other, and you, so put in the effort and enjoy the rewards <3
Once an image or gif has been posted please do not post it again, this sub is small and doesn't need several of the same posts.
As well, please post all images and videos you have in the same outfit, with the same backdrop in one post. Please do not make a new post every day or so of a different image in the same outfit, with the same backdrop. It becomes too repetitive and boring.
/r/AltPussyWorld (31.9K)
/r/HighHeelsLegs (513)
/r/pajamabutts (30.4K)
/r/hottestlingerie (1.3K)
/r/tsgroup (9.9K)
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