The largest & highest quality NSFW place of worship for admirers of Tate McRae.
Please do your research before posting. If you're not sure if a photo is underage, message a mod but do not under any circumstances try to post it.
Simply put. Please feel free to share with each other in the DMs/elsewhere.
We encourage everyone to be open about other people's likes. This is a safe space to be as NSFW as you want (within legal limits). Also, while we cannot stop anyone from downvoting a kink you didn't like to read about, we encourage you to simply ignore it instead of downvoting and/or reporting.
Whoever is first to post a pic/video from Tate’s socials, that post stays. This is the only fair way to run things. So please don't feel bad if you see your post removed, we promise we're only choosing the earliest one.
Please do not make posts requesting or sharing a Discord/Telegram link. Please use the Lounge; if you are providing a link to someone, reply to their comment or message them privately. Failure to comply with this rule will result in an instant ban.
This sub is still very new, and I'd like to keep the posts fresh. Please review the Top posts of the sub; I will allow reposts here and there if it's only been posted once and didn't get much attention. We highly encourage people doing their own edits (photo sets with a theme, collages, etc.). We will always allow these as they show effort and it changes things up.
Poorly cropped photos, uncropped photos, and low resolution posts (unless no other res is available for the specific photo) will not be allowed. Apologies for being a stickler but for every poor quality post in the sub, there is always a better quality one.
Keep the focus on the posts made of Tate. Failure to comply with this rule will result in an instant ban.
/r/AndroidNSFWgaming (126.2K)
/r/PoundedPussy (74.0K)
/r/NotSafeForWork18 (3.7K)
/r/AI_Partner (73)
/r/ipswichwestbrissynsfw (753)
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