A mixed gender NSFW subreddit for people who want to have fun. Because sometimes less is more.
Obviously this means no completely exposed genitals should be present in photos. The challenge is to tease and make people use their imaginations. Get as naked as you want, but never show us everything. Stay as dressed as you like, but make sure you show us something. It's your call, be creative, put some effort in to the pose and post, just make us want more and make us think of what could come next. Don’t just snap a selfie of yourself half nude in a mirror!
Please tag your posts with an [F], [M], [T], or [NB]
If you aren't 18 or older, you do not have permission to post or comment here. Photos posted must be of adults only.
No downvoting! If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. If you don't have a positive comment history on posts here, you probably won't be granted membership to post here yourself. Positive comments are what make the community fun for all.
Please only post pictures directly onto the subreddit. Any photos posted that aren't of you will be removed, even if they aren't crossposted.
Don't share your Snapchat, Kik or anything else that might compromise your anonymity.
This means to not post more than twice a day, and to not keep posting the same picture over and over again. This also means not deleting your posts and reposting the same content at a later date. Any posts that appear on multiple subs or are a repost or a prior picture will be removed and membership can be revoked.
Do not post links that navigate us to Imgur etc, just upload the photo directly onto the subreddit. You will get a better return for your picture by doing this.
Sellers of any kind will not be granted permission to post here. If you have a link in your bio or posts promoting selling in other subs, you will not be allowed, even if the account is free to join and you are not planning to promote in The Art of the Tease. If you have payment links or wishlists you will not be permitted to post here.
Commenting on other posts as well as replying to your own comments is a necessary requirement for this community. A lack of interaction will result in your membership being revoked.
Please don't be explicit in photographing your actions. This means no toys and no masturbation. No sexual acts or suggesting sexual acts. The most erotic organ is the brain; appeal to it, and allow us to engage our imaginations.
Rain, pool, shower/tub, stream, ocean, etc. are the only liquids permitted in posts. No blood, or anything implying blood and violence, genital fluids or anything implying vaginal or penile emissions.
/r/chesthairporn (117.7K)
/r/undonegw (15.1K)
/r/bicepsporn (12.4K)
/r/phR4RSouthies (24.4K)
/r/NSFWFloGrown (5)
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