Welcome to r/Threesome. This subreddit is inclusive of all genders and sexualities, feel free to browse, enjoy, and see if you can create something of your own.
If posting a direct link, post threesome porn only. All other content should be posted as a text (self) post, with any links you'd like to include in the description/text field of the post.
Insulting other people serves no benefit to the community. If you'd like to write an insult, write it in notepad on your PC and keep it off the internet. Insults against anyone here for any reason are not allowed, regardless of how serious you are, even if they insulted you first or you needed to vent.
Threatening other people serves no benefit to the community. If you'd like to write an threat, write it in notepad on your PC and keep it off the internet. Threats against anyone here for any reason are not allowed, regardless of how serious you are, even if they threatened you first or you needed to vent.
No subreddits on reddit can break the rules listed on www.reddit.com/rules. Any content that does will be addressed.
Please don't make recent reposts.
Only Videos or pics from the following domains are allowed:
Spam is defined as follows:
Please note the following from the above link:
This is not a selling sub. Any mention of selling in the title or comments may result in a ban. This includes (but is not limited to) OnlyFans, PornHub, Patreon, etc. No "DM me for more", "Check out my profile", or asking for upvotes. If you come here as a model that wants to make money, you'll have to trust someone will take interest in you and look you up on their own. If not, don't post. This also includes watermarks that are links to Snapchat/Cashapp/Venmo etc
You must include age, sex, and location when searching for threesome partners. Posts made without ASL will be removed
/r/funwithfriends (636.4K)
/r/Disabledsex (9.0K)
/r/flr (23.4K)
/r/ShibariStudy (4.3K)
/r/UnicornPlayground (9.0K)
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