Gay sex: what's hot, what's not, and how to do it better
This means: no hookup ads, no OnlyFans links or similar, no social media requests, no requests for private messages. No solicitation of any sort beyond asking questions about male on male sex and relationships.
Violation will result in temporary or permanent banning depending on your post history.
We do not allow pics or videos in this subreddit. Please choose other subreddits for this.
Post in these "gone wild" subreddits any time.
If you want to make a personal observation, appreciation post, or you’d like to share a recent experience you've had, or you'd like to make an appreciation post, please post these in subreddits like r/gayconfessions, r/gaysexconfessions, or r/gaystoriesgonewild. The main subreddit is only for general discussion topics and questions.
No stories. No fiction. No erotica. They belong in these subreddits.
Please do not share personally identifiable information, such as faces, phone numbers, addresses, social links, and full names.
This subreddit is about gay sex and relationships, not politics or religion. You can post about politics and other LGBT issues in other subreddits.
No underage, bestiality, rape, incest, etc.
Polls are not allowed on this subreddit because we have found they stifle discussion. People just vote & don't comment or share insight.
University research studies are allowed, WITH MOD APPROVAL. At a minimum, the study must be approved by your institution's IRB or equivalent to be considered by mods. Message the moderator team with details of your study to request mod approval.
/r/gaysexconfessions (147.3K)
/r/sextoysratings (24.1K)
/r/RoosterRock (2.9K)
/r/gayforpay (48.1K)
/r/homestuckyaoi (298)
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