A refined space for curated transsexual women porn. We bring you high-quality content that showcases the beauty and femininity of trans women.
Posts must feature trans women in feminine, submissive roles. Content with dominant trans women, cisgender females, TS on TS scenes will be removed.
While not a bannable offense, posts that moderators feel are not high enough quality for the subreddit vision will be removed. Content must also be from hardcore porn movies.
Include the actress's full name in the post title or comment section (for compilations) when possible.
If you're looking for a scene or name, use the [Source?] flair; for general discussions, use the [Discussion] flair.
OnlyFans promotions, advertisements, or any other self-promotion content are strictly prohibited.
No racist, sexist, or demeaning posts or comments are permitted. Treat all members with respect.
/r/StLhotcouples (8.1K)
/r/love4ass (57.3K)
/r/BBClegends (18.8K)
/r/Texas_Church_Wives (16.9K)
/r/ArabPorn (553.3K)
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