A place for UNDERTALE and DELTARUNE Rule 34 art (that's porn!). Most "alternate universe" (AU) content is also accepted.
#UnderTail | #DeltaRuined
Be civil. Please review the reddiquette page -- comments will be moderated based on these guidelines.
Do not post purposefully low-quality content or images that are very low resolution.
If your post contains a kink that makes most people feel uncomfortable (eg. non-con, gore, etc.), [tag] it as such in the title. AI-Generated art must be tagged as [AI] or similar in the post title or it will be removed.
Do not post irrelevant SFW content. Joke posts and shitposts must meet the 'reasonable chuckle' standard.
Do not post content depicting obviously underage individuals in a sexual context. These posts will be removed at a moderator's discretion. See this post for our stance on "aging-up" characters.
Request posts must not be simple in nature (E.g. asking for a single character with no qualifiers).
Role-play (RP) requests must be posted in the monthly 'RP Request Thread'.
All post titles must contain character tags in square brackets "[]". Examples: [Toriel], [Kris,Susie,Asriel], [Multiple]. Only tag the main characters in the art, not background characters. For discussions or requests, put [Discussion] or [Request].
Please do not post paywalled or unreleased content.
/r/TfLewd (16.5K)
/r/VtubersNSFW (9.1K)
/r/dragonageerotic (943)
/r/DeterminationNSFW (1.1K)
/r/undertailfutanari (1.5K)
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