A NSFW sub dedicated to pornstar Veronica Rodriguez
All submissions must in some way be related to Veronica Rodriguez, Any content not related to Veronica Rodriguez will be removed.
Network/Studios Watermark Must Be Visible, to ensure verification of model's age.
Single images preferred; mini-albums/galleries up to 4 images allowed
Please DO Not Post grainy or poor quality images/videos
At least 1080p
(i.e. 1920×1080/1080×1920)
Direct links to images and videos only please.
Images/video should be hosted on imgur(images) and redgifs(Video).
blog posts will be removed.
Violation of this rule lead to a permanent ban, without any notice or Warning.
Maximum of 5 posts within any 24 hours period
You are only allowed to post a maximum of 5 posts within any 24 hours period.
No sharing, selling, trading, or begging for pirated content.
Piracy of "premium" content is the easiest way to get a subreddit banned.
Violation of this rule lead to a permanent ban, without any notice or Warning.
No spamming or submitting sketchy streams
No linking to sites that are shady, ad-ridden, or have too many redirects.
Violation of this rule lead to a permanent ban, without any notice or Warning.
Be respectful. No leaks, no sexually inappropriate comments and keep post titles tasteful, please.
Any violation of Reddit's site-wide rules will be grounds for banning and will be reported to the admins if necessary.
Any posts or comments that mods feel should be removed will be removed. Please contact us through modmail if you think otherwise and we'll hash it out.
/r/Pornstars_in_Lingerie (49.2K)
/r/NSFWHOF (38.2K)
/r/PornstarHeaven (10.3K)
/r/NotSafeForWork18 (3.7K)
/r/ipswichwestbrissynsfw (753)
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