Vintage Babes: The hottest women from days gone by.
No very explicit content, including any sex acts or gaping. Nothing that you likely wouldn't see in Playboy, for example.
There is zero tolerance for trolls, creeps, assholes, off-topic content, novelty accounts, or submission violations. If you do, or encourage others to do, any of the above, you will be banned.
3-month ban for offenders. No exceptions.
A couple of x-posts are allowed. Please don't repost something posted elsewhere many times, it's already been on everyone's frontpage.
/r/VictorianSluts (69.7K)
/r/PornVintageClassic (21.8K)
/r/VintageGayVids (10.7K)
/r/90sNudes (5.1K)
/r/NaughtyPolaroids (6.2K)
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