A place to share and enjoy images, gifs, short videos of men from the past (before about 2000). Both NSFW and SFW content welcome. Since we just started (March 2023) try sorting by "New" to see fresh content!
Gay porn & nudes, fashion & physique models, candid photos, antique / historical photos.
Tag images showing genitals, explicit or "simulated" sex, or anything else you wouldn't want people to see on your work computer. (Unless you work for a porn producer, OnlyFans, etc...)
If you need an explanation of this rule, you probably don't belong here.
This group is for users who enjoy images of men. Nothing wrong with women, but this isn't the place to see them.
No rape, kidnapping, revenge porn, incest, bestiality, etc.
Links or comments promoting commercial sites - porn site, OnlyFans, etc.
Inappropriate or potentially illegal content, or if you see an image of yourself unexpectedly.
/r/VictorianSluts (69.7K)
/r/studioNSFWfashion (11.8K)
/r/meninnature (13.7K)
/r/VintageGayVids (10.7K)
/r/asiancockporn (4.2K)
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