For folks who want to roleplay any kind of vore!
(This Subreddit is For 18+ users only)
All users and characters must be 18+, including within any submitted artwork. No exceptions.
If you're unsure about these rules, contact the mods.
You should include the following information in your post as a minimum.
Failing to make these clear in your post or in a comment may result in the post's removal.
If you are unsure on how to exactly formulate a plot, we are happy to provide some guidance. When creating your post, you should try answering the following questions.
Answering these should help you write a good prompt.
Non-roleplaying posts are are allowed on the subreddit if you want to converse with the community or voice your opinion about the subreddit itself. You must use the Meta flair for your post when doing this.
We allow anyone and everyone to be on this subreddit and to post here freely in the interests of inclusion, provided they are over 18 and not engaging in illegal conduct.
Attacking another user or group due to their nature, preferences or opinions is not allowed on this subreddit and reporting such behaviour is encouraged to bring it to the attention of the mod team.
Such behaviour is subject to removal of posts, comments, or banning the user from the subreddit as appropriate.
Plain and simple, no advertising discord servers or other such.
/r/sacramentopersonals (11.1K)
/r/WorshipInsex (27.5K)
/r/GirlsFinishingTheJob (3.2M)
/r/beasissy (18.2K)
/r/njoytoys (5.3K)
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