Spicy subreddit /r/WaterNymphs

About this subreddit:

You are walking through a forest when you chance upon a lovely, spring-fed pool. You take your clothes off to go for a swim in the cool, clear water. The only sounds are the rustling of the leaves in the nearly still, humid air; the birds chirping happily above you; and the soft trickling of water running over the rocks. But then, the head of a woman breaches the water, with a face so beautiful you almost want to cry. She's a water nymph, and she beckons you into the pool to join her, smiling.


  1. 1. Posts should be high-quality images of women in or around water.

    Water nymphs can be found around rivers, seas, lakes, ponds, streams, and the like.

  2. 2. There is a prohibition against modernity in this subreddit.

    This subreddit has, as its thematic motivation, origins in the classical Greek mythology of the nymph. This subreddit is supposed to harken back to a time before there were people and machines everywhere, to be a slice of the past where maybe, just maybe, you might find a nymph in nature. As such, attire, structures, and objects in general that are obviously modern are prohibited in this subreddit.

  3. 3. Women must be either naked or clothed in nymph-appropriate attire.

    Examples of what is not allowed: towels, bikinis, swim suits. Examples of nympth-appropriate attire: Example 1. Example 2. Example 3. Example 4. Example 5. Tattoos are okay, and jewellery, hair ties, and scrunchies are largely acceptable.

  4. 4. No man-made structures or objects; five exceptions in the expanded rule description.

    The five exceptions are: nymph-appropriate attire, wooden boats that use paddles (such as canoes or row boats), docks and buildings that do not look modern, some weirs, dams, and stone tubs, and wooden buckets and pottery.

  5. 5. Increase in strictness of moderation.

    Previously, we have allowed for some artistic exceptions, some clothing/man-made objects that don't fit the sub when the photos are especially nice, and to otherwise be a little lenient with our moderation. This has, however, caused some confusion and frustration among submitters, and, frankly, the posts we allowed don't really fit the sub and shouldn't have been allowed anyway. This is just a rule spelling out that we will be strict in enforcement.

  6. 6. At the end of the day everything is at our discretion.

    This is to maintain the proper atmosphere and quality of the sub.

  7. 7. This is a nice place. Don't be a dick.
  8. 8. Automod is in effect. Please expand this rule for more information on accepted hosts and formats.

    All posts must be direct links to images. That means it must end in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, or, .gifv.

    List of accepted hosts: i.imgur.com, imgur.com/a/, reddit.com, i.redd.it, i.reddituploads.com, gfycat.com, 500px.com, flickr.com, .media.tumblr.com, images.sex.com, img.pornhub.com, smugmug.com

  9. 9. Sellers and OC submitters must read the wiki before posting. Link when you expand this rule.

    Sellers and OC submitters are required to read this before posting.

  10. 10. No obnoxious watermarks.

    Examples of appropriate style watermarks: Example 1. Example 2

  11. 11. Sellers are hereby subjected to a one-strike policy.

    If you're a seller and post one thing that violates the rules, aesthetic, and/or quality of this subreddit, you will be subjected to a permanent ban without the option of appeal. We have done much to be forgiving, but we are no longer accepting the debasing of the subreddits we volunteer our time modding for your monetary gain. Sellers we do not immediately permanently ban will receive a flair indicating provisional acceptance of quality as a reminder of the thin line you are walking.

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