Whale tail is when a thong or g-string is visible above the waistline of a low-rise jeans, shorts, leggings etc that resembles a whale's tail.
Warning: Any kind of Male Tail posts will be removed and the account banned.
No Man, Trans or Gay whaletail is allowed
Only Whaletails should be posted here. No text about it or photos of something that isn't a whaletail.
Impersonation is posting content from other creators withour their knowlegde
/r/nsfwfashion (285.9K)
/r/fashionextramile (60.9K)
/r/studioNSFWfashion (13.3K)
/r/thenakedmodelclub (2.4K)
/r/hottestlingerie (1.5K)
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