The subreddit for fictional stories of the eproctophilia variety.
This sub's main purpose is OC, but if you want to post someone else's work, it must be to promote them, so provide the source to give them some attention.
Non fiction stories can go on r/eproctophilia or r/girlfartstories.
Examples include non-human characters, scat, watersports, non-female farting, etc. you can also add tags in the story title if you so please.
You are free to use the website of your choice, but it is very much preferred that you use a site that doesn't require a sign-in to view the content.
Stories will be deleted and accounts dealt with if not followed.
This sub will always be a safe space for marginalized peoples. Any bigotry found will also be swiftly dealt with.
We want this sub to be a place where high quality stories are posted, so please don’t post anything low effort or made with AI.
/r/GirlsFarting (76.1K)
/r/eproctophiles (949)
/r/EproctophiliaR4R (1.1K)
/r/eerieErotica (4.6K)
/r/Persona5Porn (37.5K)
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