Fannypacking by any other name.
Please post the artist in parentheses (like so) and where the character(s) are from in brackets [like this]; try and provide a link to the artist's source in the comments.
If a character looks underaged (even if they are, according to lore, immortal/over 18/etc, it probably doesn't belong here).
No guro, amputation or snuff. Both parties must be alive (exceptions will be made for certain classes of undead).
Reposts are fine and expected in the fullness of time. However, try to avoid reposting images that have either been recently posted (let's say the first 2 pages/50 results by 'new') or are featured in the 'top' posts of either the last year (or of all time).
/r/Nastyebonytreats (44.4K)
/r/fuckmeNSFW_ (45.3K)
/r/Thong_Squat (13.6K)
/r/CockHorny (5.2K)
/r/gisoukousoku (974)
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