It's kinda obvious isn't it?
Do NOT post child porn here. Yes, this does include entirely fictional depictions of children. However, art with aged up versions of underage characters is allowed. If the fictional character is underage in canon, but is indistinguishable from an adult in the artist's depiction, then do not bother reporting the submission.
Do not post direct links to videos with overly generic titles such as "busty slut fucked by huge cocks" or "3D HENTAI TEEN GANGBANG". This is how bots typically title their posts, so they will be removed on sight.
You can easily avoid violating this rule if you stick to having your title be the name of the show or movie like "Hell Knight Ingrid Ep 1".
Civility is important here and following rediquette will keep you out of trouble.
No Spam
/r/IGWThreesomes (77.9K)
/r/SpringBreak_Media (8.2K)
/r/NotSafeForWork18 (3.7K)
/r/amateurbbcsluts (9.1K)
/r/ipswichwestbrissynsfw (753)
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