Spicy subreddit /r/amateurcontent

About this subreddit:

Welcome to r/AmateurContent! This subreddit is aimed at those ladies that love to share lewd and nude photos, gifs and videos with other Redditors. There are others subreddits out there, but many have now started banning anyone that sells content or offers services of any kind. As long as posts comply with the rules of this subreddit, all are welcome.


  1. 1. Only original content is to be posted

    You may only post images of yourself, or of yourself and your partner. Porn content, including links, is not permitted.

  2. 2. No selling info in titles or main content (including usernames)

    Content sellers (e.g. those with OnlyFans or other content sites, Telegram or Snapchat, etc.) are welcome in this subreddit. However, we ask that you keep your post titles relevant to the photo, gif or video that you have posted and kept clear of selling information. Post content must be kept free of the same advertising information, including watermarks for selling sites.

    Links are, however, welcome in comments.

  3. 3. This subreddit is for female content - no solo males

    This subreddit is for girls to post their content. Images, gifs and videos may not feature male genitalia.

  4. 4. Be respectful of users

    Please be respectful of other users. Name calling of the original poster or other users of this subreddit will not be tolerated; such comments will be removed by the moderators and repeat offenders will be banned from the subreddit.

  5. 5. No minors

    This is an 18+ NSFW subreddit and is unsuitable for minors.We want to keep this community safe for all. Content involving or pertaining to minors is prohibited, and anyone posting such material will be banned and reported.

  6. 6. Titles must be relevant to content posted

    Due to a significant number of bots and fake accounts that have NSFW images and randomly generated titles that do not correspond to the associated image (e.g.”Check out my butt,” on a topless photo), if your post title does not obviously relate to the post content, the post will be removed. Your account is likely to be flagged as a spam or bot account, and multiple posts of this nature will result in a permanent ban from the subreddit.

  7. 7. Maximum 2 posts per day; no reposts allowed

    There has been an influx of spam in this subreddit, with similar images from some accounts being posted multiple times a day. For this reason, posts are being limited to two per account per day. Reposting an image that has already been posted previously within this subreddit is also forbidden.

  8. 8. No upvote/reaction/comment begging

    Posts that say things like, “Upvote if you want nudes in your DMs,” or, “Say hi if you’re horny/like my body,” etc. are not allowed within this subreddit.

  9. 9. Censoring content with stickers/masking prohibited

    The use of stickers or masking to censor parts of an image or video is not allowed in this subreddit. If you wish to conceal your face or other body parts, please do so by using a suitable pose or by cropping your image.

  10. 10. No video clips of less than 5 seconds duration

    Posting a video clip that is so short it is effectively a still image is not permitted in this subreddit. Posts of this nature will be removed as spam, and repeat posts of this nature will lead to the user concerned being banned from the subreddit.

  11. 11. Posts featuring more than one person require verification

    To prevent images being shared without the consent of one or more parties, posts that feature two or more people will require verification. Please message the moderators for details. Images or videos featuring two or more people that are posted without verification approval will be removed; continuing to post without verification will result in a permanent ban.

  12. 12. No bikini/pool photos

    This subreddit has recently been flooded with pool selfies that do not fit the nude/lewd theme of the subreddit. These are now banned, and multiple posts of this nature from the same account will result in the OP being banned from the subreddit.

  13. 13. No message requests

    Titles, comments and descriptions that solicit DMs are not allowed here. Anyone requesting or promoting DMs will receive an instant ban from the subreddit.

  14. 14. No facial or cumshot content

    The subreddit has recently seen a flood of facial and cum content, much of which is faked. Any content of this nature will now be removed and a warning comment left. Anyone that posts further content of the same nature after having a previous post removed will be permanently banned from the subreddit.

  15. 15. No text only posts or personal ads

    This subreddit is for the display of content, therefore text only posts and personal ads do not belong here.

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