A place dedicated to the cum loving amateur women. Only Amateur content allowed, facials body shots, are welcome as long as there is cum somewhere.
If we cannot see cum somewhere, then your submission doesn't belong here.
If the cum isn't real, it doesn't belong here.
No spam, self promotion, or advertising. This includes watermarks on images (you can and SHOULD watermark your images/clips with your reddit username ONLY), spamming website or subreddit links in comments, vote begging/manipulation, and spammy crossposting.
Don't be a dick. Shitty comments or post titles are a permanent ban. Seriously, commenting is not compulsory...if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it.
NO REPOSTS. An occasional repost is understandable, mistakes happen sometimes. But if you are caught constantly reposting, deleting/reposting content, or farming top posts, you'll be banned.
NO PROS! Seriously, we're here for amateurs.
NO SOLO JO OR DICK PICS! There are a million subs for that, nobody is here to watch you pull your pud. This is an instant permaban.
Consent is vital to the health of this community. If you do not have affirmative, positive consent from all participants, DO NOT POST HERE. Posting involuntary pornography/non-consensual content here will result in a ban from the sub, and maybe from reddit entirely. It's also illegal in most places. Seriously, don't do it.
/r/WomenOfColor (664.6K)
/r/on_all_fours (9.7K)
/r/EroticLightPlay (110)
/r/mommy_captions (18.3K)
/r/threesomemilfo (2.6K)
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