For those seeking to meet up for Ball busting, CBT, or other similar fetishes.
Want to break some balls? Or get your balls broken?
This is the place. All are welcome, Male, Female, Trans, Straight or Gay.
Personals only, for all other posts try:
r/ballbusting r/bbcbt r/BallPaps r/Pain r/femdomCBT r/hentaiballbusting r/cbtBDSM or r/TesticlePain
No Advertisements for sexual services or sites. Including Onlyfans/Patreon.
Obviously this is an adult forum, no person under the age of 18 is allowed to post, comment, or view posts.
No discussion topics, just for fun pictures or anything else besides personal adds.
Discuss none personal items with other members in the Chat or on other forums.
/r/BallBusting (106.2K)
/r/ballbustingheaven (13.6K)
/r/BallbustingStories (19.0K)
/r/ballbustingcaptions (10.1K)
/r/DTF_Albuquerque_NM (1.2K)
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