This community wants to show the beauty of a woman's body through her change. Pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, surgery, sport, natural tits growth, aging... all those things that make the body always sexier. This sub advocates the bodypositive philosophy. All bodies are beautiful but must be NUDE to post in this group.
All posts must compare photos or videos showing a body before and after a drastic and lasting physical change.
Do not post rude comments. This site promotes the bodypositive philosophy. All bodies are beautiful. Do not post comments that are personal attacks on other users or the subjects of content published here.
If you wish to criticize, do so on subjects that do not involve self-esteem and do so in a constructive and respectful manner. Otherwise, your comment/post will be deleted and you may be banned. A permanent ban punishes repeat offenders or posts that are too virulent..
This sub focuses on the changes of women's bodies by focusing on their nudity. If you don't do nude content, lingerie can be accepted if the content is explicit enough. We're less fussy when it comes to original content, as long as the pose and/or lingerie are sexualized. If we feel that your post contains too much fabric, it may be deleted. You will have no further consequences, if the deletion is for this rule, so you can try to post, you never know we might like the post.
This sub is exclusively reserved for photos and videos featuring cis women (sorry for the others, you'll have to search or create other communities).
No spam will be allowed. Posting paygates or referral links to pages riddled with pop-ups will result in an immediate and unquestionable ban.
Posting the same thing several times in a short space of time is considered spam.
If you publish original content and happen to sell services elsewhere, that's fine as long as your message meets all the requirements for publication.
If there is the slightest hint of spamming by bots, the ban will be immediate and definitive.
/r/HallOfGains (1.7K)
/r/nsfw_amature (6.8K)
/r/ExpansionAI (2.5K)
/r/GaySmalldicks (46.5K)
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