Twinks with Big Dicks
Every submission should show at least one one 'twink' with a 'big dick'.
Under no circumstances post anyone that is under 18.
We have zero tolerance for spam of any kind.
Including OnlyFans, any custom or 'premium' content, selling products or services, asking for donations/cash etc.
This rule extends to various types of promotion on reddit. Including direct links or references in any titles/comments, watermarks, hints or indirect promotion, links or pinned posts on profiles, or excessive promotion elsewhere.
Asking for upvotes is against reddit's TOS. Asking for engagement of any kind is against rediquette.
By using reddit you have agreed to follow reddit's TOS at all times. As a subreddit we have chosen to enforce Rediquette in the same way.
/r/TwinkLove (169.3K)
/r/twunks (151.5K)
/r/GayTeenPorn (152.8K)
/r/SLCNSFW (20.2K)
/r/TurkGayPaylasim (12.1K)
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