Whether you're seeking platonic friends, non-platonic friends, online gaming partners, soulmates, travelmates, smoking buddies, groups to join, activity partners, friends with benefits [fwb] / casual encounters, etc. This is the place on Reddit to find and seek.
Review the rules below, or use this subreddit at your own risk. 18+
When creating a submission, your post title must include:
Tagging Legend: - M - Male/Man - F - Female/Woman - T - Transgender - R - Redditor/Anyone/All
An example title: 22 [f4m] #Allston. Just feel like chatting.
Users that are not verified with r/bostonr4r are limited to one post per 5 days. Posts in excess will be removed. Deleting your posts and reposting will be considered as a violation, as will posting ads using multiple usernames. Repeated violation of this rule with result in a ban.
Users may become "verified" on r/bostonr4r and may post once per day.
Users verified as singles who post as couples/groups will have the posting frequency of an unverified user.
While NSFW links and content are allowed, they should always be tagged as such.
If your post or comment is not tagged as NSFW it will be removed until that has been fixed.
Selling posts, exchange posts, or those alluding to sales or exchanges of any kind are not allowed on r/bostonr4r. If you want to sell, please head over to r/sexsells. Posts regarding selling will be removed.
This includes solicitations of partners for production of sexual content, such as OnlyFans.
If you interact with an OP who tells you that he/she is selling, please screenshot it and send us a Mod Mail so that we may take action.
Zero tolerance. There are no second chances with this rule.
Save these for PMs, not public posts or comments. If you see users sharing such information, please hit the report button so that a mod can review it. Repeated offenses can and may lead to a ban.
Do not ask for or share content of other people. This includes but not limited to rating/sharing/tributing content of SO's/family members/friends, or asking questions about someone's past. All such posts will be removed and the posting user will be banned.
Do not pretend to be someone other than who you are. This includes deliberate misrepresentation of gender or sexuality.
This is not intended to apply to those transitioning or with gender dysphoria.
Please message the moderators if you have a question about this.
Comments are not the place to respond to a post. Send a message.
If you respond to a user's post, they receive a notification. There is no need to leave a comment that says "I messaged you", "sent a DM", or similar. Comments should add to the conversation.
Do not harass any r/bostonr4r users. That means being kind in response and in comment. It includes not responding to posts that aren't targeted at you (for example, do not respond to an F4F post if you are not a woman), and it includes not sending unsolicited nudes. Harassing, badgering, insulting, or diminishing users may result in an immediate permanent ban.
False ads are a violation of the Reddit Terms of Service. If you willfully impersonate your gender identity, location, or make a post impersonating someone else, you will have your post removed and will be banned.
Ads that are spam (posted across different subreddits) and are targeted as "online" will be removed.
Success posts require substantiation of the claim.
Simply stating "this happened" without verification makes the "success" simply "a story".
All parties involved must consent to the writeup.
A photo of the involved redditors (with as much of them shown as comfort allows) holding a piece of paper with usernames and the date is a great way to show consent and that the encounter happened.
Verified r/bostonr4r users can add their consent to the post via comment or via message to the moderators.
/r/transdating (26.7K)
/r/ScotlandR4R (26.5K)
/r/r4rwisconsin (19.3K)
/r/r4rPortland (30.2K)
/r/BostonBaddies (3.9K)
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