Spicy subreddit /r/breedingcaptions

About this subreddit:

Every breeding and conception has a story


  1. 1. By contributing to r/breedingcaptions, you consent to all applicable rules and moderator decisions

    Moderators have the final say in all decisions related to content or interaction on r/breedingcaptionreborn. While the moderators will attempt to resolve issues quickly and amicably, members have the responsibility to bring any issues to moderator attention, block offending content, and make reports as necessary.

    This is a NSFW subreddit, and content or conduct may be objectionable to you. If so, we advise you block this subreddit.

    Moderators are not responsible for content posted by others.

  2. 2. All posts must have breeding, reproduction or pregnancy as a core focus

    A significant component of the post title, visual content, caption, or other medium must portray breeding, impregnation, pregnancy, parenthood or another closely related topic in a positive and sexual way.

    The following are restricted as a standalone post topic without another breeding connection, since they cannot result in impregnation: anal sex, oral sex, external cumshots, sex with intact condoms, handjobs, blowjobs, purely homosexual sex, creampies, and all other non PiV sex acts.

  3. 3. All posts must contain a text component in addition to their title and visuals

    Any post must contain both of the following:

    1. A visual component (image, gif, video or link to the above)
    2. A text component of at least 20 characters, not including Reddit's post title, which is designed to add sexual value to the visual. This text component should relate to the content of the specific visual.
    3. Cartoons are not captions.

    (Posts containing only text, adding text using Reddit's comment tool, or using an external host must receive permission from moderators)

  4. 4. All participants must obey all legal and Reddit rules for sexual content

    All of the following content is STRICTLY prohibited:

    1. Any depiction of, reference to, or implied participation of any person not able to legally consent, or any individual under 18 years old, whichever is higher.
    2. Any depiction of individuals who have explicitly revoked consent for their content to be posted in any sexual context.

    Breaches of this rule will result in a permanent ban, reversible only on the original merits, with agreement of two or more active moderators.

  5. 5. All members must respect the stated & impliedboundaries of other subreddit members

    All viewers, posters and commenters must not dehumanize, harass, or threaten any other member, unless explicitly given explicit consent to do so by the content creator via DM.

    No member may detract from the experience of a specific other member solely on the basis of sex, gender or race, unless given explicit consent in a DM.

    No direct messages may be sent to any member with the 'DMs Closed' tag applied to their profile. No members may ask other participants to message them.

  6. 6. All posts must provide value without expecting monetary or in-kind karma compensation

    No poster or commenter may request or imply desiring financial or in-kind karma compensation as a result of any content they create.

    No post or comment may contain direct links to any NSFW content which is behind a paywall without explicit moderator consent. This includes both subscription and unlockable content on OnlyFans and all subscription / pay-per-view platforms.

  7. 7. No self promotion

    This applies not only to content creators like on OnlyFans, but also to creators of other subs. Any links to other subs or sites will be removed.

Number of subscribers:


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