A place for naughty canadians to post their content!
Male content must also feature a female in it.
No direct post titles or content linking to pay sites or personal links like snapchat
Do not spam by posting the same content over and over or posting more than 3 times a day.
No non-Canadians or professional pornstars.
To keep things interesting, have at least either some nudity or show your face. If you dont have either, your post will be removed and repeat offences will result in a ban.
Dont mention Onlyfans in any titles or posts, keep that on your profile page but not here.
/r/JeriLynn (7.3K)
/r/Canada_GoneWild (39.0K)
/r/BareFoot_Cowgirl (26.4K)
/r/Midwest_BBWs (14.6K)
/r/pornclassics (11.0K)
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