A community-curated index of celebrity men who are circumcised. So many of our most iconic stars are circumcised. It's only fitting. Browse our list, or make a contribution! Before making a contribution, review the rules and posting guidelines. ***Some content in this subreddit will be SFW and purely educational in nature, and other content will be NSFW. The difference will be clear. We do not conflate discussion of parental choices with NSFW content or endorse any connection.
All posts and comments must abide by Reddit's Content Policy.
Only content that is public, or you have full authorization to share, may be shared here. Do not infringe on someone's intellectual property or privacy wishes. If you believe there is such a violation, reach out to our moderation and we will address it immediately.
This community intends to be a credible resource of celebrity circumcised men and therefore allows visual documentation/proof of his circumcision status. However, as explained under DMCA/Privacy Policy, only public content, and content the poster has the right to share, is allowed. This would include scenes from film, TV, and paparazzi photos taken in public spaces. This would NOT include non-consenusal leaks, i.e. DMs, private messages, snapchat images, etc.
The subject of this community is celebrity circumcised men. Therefore, contributions to this community should only be for circumcised men who happen to be of celebrity or notable status. Notable, in this case, is defined as someone who has had at least one recognizable, mainstream role in film or TV and/or has had a very large following.
This community does not conflate pornstars with celebrities. Pornstars are (generally) not celebrities and should not, for the most part, be posted here. Someone on Twitter with xxxxxxx followers from adult work is not a celebrity. Some pornstars, however, can be celebrities. Exceptions will be made at the sole discretion of the mods.
Obviously, this is a community for celebrity men who are circumcised. No uncircumcised men should be posted here. Furthermore, no content should contain an uncircumcised penis. No exceptions.
/r/FaithOrdway (174.2K)
/r/MenGW (95.1K)
/r/things_in_pussies (31.3K)
/r/mngaypnp (2.6K)
/r/PromiscuousYiff (11.9K)
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