An 18+ subreddit for chastity enthusiasts and their keyholders. Please read the rules before posting!
This is an 18+ subreddit.
If you are found out to be under 18 your post will be removed, you will be permanently banned from our subreddit and reported.
Pictures or videos of underage people are not allowed in ANY context, even if it's completely SFW (e.g. memes).
Discussion of discovering your own kink while underage (e.g. "When I was 12 I watched a cartoon and it made me interested in bondage") is fine as long as you're not explicit or overtly sexualizing anyone underage.
General porn or suggestive images without any Chastity in them will be removed. Any post that does not contain visibly worn chastity will be removed. Posting non chastity related content will result in a ban.
Notes: Asking for advice or recommendations is allowed. Please make sure your post does not include just a dick pic. For better recommendations and advice, please include pictures of the device. KEYHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO POST; BUT, the focus of the post should be on the wearer.
/r/Chastity does not allow sale posts.
No spam, self-promotion or tagging/watermarking. No selling content, access, or anything that violates the Reddit Terms of Service.. No clickbait titles or impersonation. This includes Onlyfans promotions not related to chastity. Anyone found to violate this rule will be banned.
The exception is for devices, toys, and other products. Please do this in private messaging. Beware of scammers...
This subreddit is for sharing chastity related content. DM requests, personals, and anything not related to chastity play will be removed.
Stealing content will result in a ban.
This is a no-brainer, but must be mentioned. /r/Chastity will not tolerate targeted harassment, kink shaming or derogatory commentary towards other users. We understand humiliation can sometimes be a part of chastity, but others may not be receptive to your interests. Keep that line of commentary to yourself. If you are found to be in violation of this rule, you will be banned.
This includes:
Name calling and personal attacks of a malicious nature.
Homophobia, sexism, racism, bigotry of any kind.
MGTOW, TRP, incel, etc. type of content.
Malicious baiting/trolling or purposefully inciting arguments.
Shaming a user for their profession.
Explicit or implied threats.
Shaming people for their kinks (or lack thereof).
Kinky role play is not the same as real life. Respect others here or you will be banned.
This includes all BNWO content, any racial idealistic posts, or any content containing "New Order" bullshit. Its racist. Its rooted in supremacy, which is against hate speech guidelines set forth in the Reddit TOS.
If you have any issues with this, please contact the modteam for clarification.
Please note that this falls under unreasonable commentary/moderators discression rules. Any posts which break this rule will be removed and the poster will be banned.
Asking for upvotes, in any manner, is against against Reddit's foundational rules. /r/Chastity adheres to Reddit's site-wide rules and expects its members to follow them as well. Upvote manipulation will result in a ban. Engaging with posts that break the rules will also result in being removed from this community.
Post contains a title such as "how long should I be locked for" or some bullshit title.
/r/BeautifulChastity (26.6K)
/r/CNC_India (10.1K)
/r/DTF_Albuquerque_NM (1.7K)
/r/yakima_Wild_Official (519)
/r/AISissyHardcore (3.1K)
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