Spicy subreddit /r/chiisaihentai

About this subreddit:

ChiisaiHentai is for those who prefer a nothing more than a handful for their waifu. For the petite connoisseur.


  1. 1. Relevance

    Submissions and discussions must directly relate to the theme of the subreddit. Content should focus on petite and small-breasted themes within the hentai genre. Off-topic posts may be subject to removal at the discretion of the moderators.

  2. 2. No Redirecting Traffic

    Do not promote your own websites or other off-Reddit communities (Discord, Kik, etc). Breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban.

    Generally, an artist is allowed to promote their own communities and websites while sharing OC.

  3. 3. Self Promotion

    Self promotion of any nature is not allowed under this subreddit and will be treated as advertisement.

    This includes the following :

    • Uploading images watermarked with a Patreon (or Enty) logo / link.

    • Attempting to link a patreon (or Enty) in the comments section.

    • Asking for their domain / website to be added to our whitelist.

    • Monetized link shortening services.

    • Discord / Kik links.

    We are not an advertisement platform.

  4. 4. Underage Content aka Lolicon & Shotacon

    This subreddit is not for lolicon!

    This subreddit does not allow content that depicts underage participants. All posts are subject to review. The moderation team takes a cautious approach when evaluating content.

    This refers to contextual or literal indications of character age, such as:

    • Stated age of less than 18.

    • Attending elementary / middle school.

    • Other tropes which indicate an underage participant.

    This does not include participants with a small or petite body.

  5. 5. Source

    When sharing content, provide the source whenever possible. Use SauceNao to help find the original source of the material. Failure to credit the source may result in the removal of the post.

  6. 6. No Low Effort Content

    Low effort posts are not allowed.

    Examples of low effort posts :

    • Considerably Amateur Art

    *Low image quality than the original source

    • Low Effort Titles (e.g. formatting, emoji's, relevance to image)

    • Spam/Bulk posting with vague titles

    • AI-generated Images

  7. 7. Shock Content

    Moderator discretion will be used to determine of anything uploaded is considered 'shock content'.

    Post shock content and get banned.

  8. 8. Repost
    • Reposting content that has been posted in the last 60 (sixty) days.

    • Reposting anything from the top 50.

  9. 9. No AI-generated Images

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