This is the Charlotte, North Carolina version of /r4r.
When creating a post, your title must include specific details:
Acceptable tags: (m4f|f4m|m4m|f4f|r4r|t4t|t4m|t4f|t4r|m4r|f4r)
We require a certain level of account activity to participate. This helps keep our community secure from spam and low-effort interactions.
Ensure your posts are meaningful and provide sufficient context. Extremely short posts or posts with prohibited content will be removed.
No trolling. Posts from accounts with a history of negative interactions may be restricted.
Posting links to external websites, especially for advertising social media groups or selling products, is strictly prohibited.
If a post receives multiple reports, it will be reviewed by moderators for potential rule violations.
Do not reveal any personal information. (i.e. names, phone numbers, home addresses, e-mail addresses, et cetera)
/r/breedingfamilys (72.5K)
/r/AussieGWNetwork (14.5K)
/r/Seattlecumsluts (19.6K)
/r/newengland_gonewild (15.9K)
/r/South_Carolina_R4R (1.0K)
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