Connecticut's only all-amateur swinging subreddit. No Onlyfans, content creators or sellers of any kind allowed.
A place for real Connecticut swingers to find each other.
Please read the subreddit rules before posting.
Be polite, respectful & follow proper Reddiquette
This isn't the place to recruit new customers for your OnlyFans or other businesses. If your profile mentions selling, services, OnlyFans or the like, you will be banned.
This is specifically for the local swinging community so please stay on topic (hotwife, swaps, same room, swinging, stag/vixen, etc). If you are a single and looking for vanilla sex, go use a vanilla subreddit. No M4F, F4M, F4F or M4M.
Skip that low effort dick pic or be banned. Be better than just posting a picture of your junk. This is not a ban on dicks in pics but it is a ban on dick pics. If you can't understand the difference, please don't post.
Don't publicly post, share, or hint at email addresses, KiK, Snapchat, phone numbers, etc. Do that via PM.
If you are taking photos of your wife or significant other without her knowledge, this is not the place to post them.
Verified Hotwife: post a photo (faceless and\or blurred faces are acceptable) of yourself holding a sign with "CThotwife," your user name and the date. Title your post, "Hotwife Verification Request."
Please be patient. User flair will be added to your profile in 24 hours or less.
Real Life Hotwife: awarded by redditors who meet real life CT Hotwifes in the wild! Post a photo of yourself with a hotwife (faceless and\or blurred faces are acceptable) that you have met. While you're there, add some details or a review of your meeting. Title your post, "Real Life Hotwife" and add the hotwife's user name.
Please be patient. User flair will be added to your profile in 24 hours or less.
Verified Third\Bull user flair is awarded by a Hotwife or couple to a third\bull. Post a photo of you with a third\bull that you have met, along with their user name. Title your post, "Verified Bull" or "Verified Third" with his screen name.
Text only posts are assumed to be low effort. Post photos should be original content owned by the poster.
/r/hotpast (121.4K)
/r/r4nonmonogamy (3.8K)
/r/SwingerCouplesGW (221.0K)
/r/Hardcoreswinging (42.2K)
/r/CTSwingers (23.0K)
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