For fans of dirty talk videos who love it when their partner tells them to "cum inside me" (or who love saying it!)
Posts must contain videos of a person begging, demanding, pleading or otherwise asking for cum inside them
Post titles must contain a timestamp for when the “cum inside me,” or other similar words, occur in the video.
Reposts are okay. However content that has been posted within 30 days or that seeks to gain upvotes by reposting previously successful threads will be deleted.
Keep posts and comments positive and respectful.
If you post a link to a site that hosts lots of spam links or redirects or is otherwise cancer for mobile broswer users without ad block, flair your post appropriately.
This isn't a democracy. Moderators are the absolute authority.
Partner seeking will get you banned.
/r/DirtyTalkPorn (245.4K)
/r/hotwifeindia (97.7K)
/r/guttermouths (4.0K)
/r/amateurbbcsluts (12.3K)
/r/transfiesta (3.6K)
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