Catfishing/Impersonation will not be tolerated. You may post pictures of others, but do not use I/Me/My in the title if they are not your images. You get one strike and you're out if you are caught impersonating others.
Here's a safe place for all the dads to show their bods, just be a nice person and everything will be great :)
The posted photo(s) must be male-only and contain a gut (this is the definition of Dadbod). Pictures containing females, or slimmer and/or younger guys without a gut are not considered Dadbods.
Submissions must be new. If you've posted it here before, it will be removed. This includes content deleted or from past accounts.
/r/gonewildphotographers (7.2K)
/r/GayNSFWFunny (75.1K)
/r/DarkPassengerXXX (650)
/r/flashingmilfs (44.0K)
/r/theboudoir (13.9K)
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