This is where you post if you're looking for hookups in or around Dayton Ohio. PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU POST. MaleAge/FemaleAge [R4R] #Location - YourTitle Please Remember the "#"
DONT be a creep
The title of your post must follow this format:
MaleAge/FemaleAge [R4R] #Location - YourTitle
MaleAge/FemaleAge - Self explanatory. Put the age of the male first.
R4R - First R is what you are, and second R is what you are looking for. Replace both "R"s with "MF/F/T"
F - Female/Woman M - Male/Man T - Transgender
If a post contains images or videos, it must be OC depicting the poster. If the posted images/videos are stolen, then the account will be instantly banned. Bots, and experience from moderators are used when making these decisions. You can always verify to be unbanned in wrongly unbanned.
The posting of personal information (Real Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Street Address, Credit/Debit Card Numbers, etc...) is not allowed for your own safety. Snap, KIK, Tele OK on comments only, NOT in title.
Accounts must be 14 days old to post or 5 days old to commet prevent spam.
No Spammy titles like using the words Virgin, erection, online, upvote, ECT...
Please refer to the main rule page of to review the criteria of what spam can be considered. Mods may ban according to different criteria and how severe the spam was.
/r/michigandate (37.2K)
/r/Columbushookups (26.5K)
/r/OHIOCuckoldPersonals (44.2K)
/r/OHSwingers (24.6K)
/r/northportr4r (699)
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