A safe place for people (18+) interested in the "little" lifestyle (sexual or platonic) and don't have to worry about judgement.
A "Little" is an adult that enjoys acting childish/babyish or being treated as such. "Daddy" is just A slang term we use for a dominant male. There are no actual children here!
You are reviving a permanent ban for a profound violation of our terms of use. Appeals will be denied.
Unfortunately this must be done when dealing with ageplay, so that people don't think that we are discussing actual children. You won't be banned, but your post will be deleted.
The content posted has been deemed unsuitable for this sub. Probably not what the majority of other users want to see or has been seen as overly offensive in some manner.
No one here has the right to judge what they think is right or wrong, morals, or beliefs. If you don't have anything nice to say, then we don't want to hear it.
Videos are difficult to moderate, and we have no way to verify age, we would rather you send us a message and ask first
This is serious, and I mean in ANY way. This includes fantasies or things you have done in your own childhood. That behavior makes us all look bad.
You're welcome to talk about kinky dirty stuff but if you go too far and creep people out it might become a problem with others. Please be considerate, if anythings super kinky use DM for those details
Do not post your real name, phone numbers, addresses, facebook, etc. Things like skype, Kik and Discord are fine.
We don't want to be responsible for anything that may happen. If you want to meet up, you will have to contact them another way. DM, ask for their discord, etc.
/r/trapsgonewild (288.5K)
/r/DDLG_Porn (392.4K)
/r/daddyslittlegirlz (20.2K)
/r/DDLG_SFW (9.9K)
/r/feraltrade (1.2K)
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