We are the overly moderated dickslip community. A community dedicated to the art and science of the upshorts shot. We are a closed community you need permission to post. You will be considered by the content of your timeline/profile.
Any user who posts content that is completely outside of our subs very specific requirements for what is accepted runs the risk of a ban.
Images must be active for the post to remain active. Reddit is full of broken or missing images and its a boner killer. We are choosing not to be part of that issue. If your image vanishes where it is hosted, is removed, or is otherwise broken your post will come down.
This is flashing or showing a dick. This is not an upshorts or dickslip type of shot. We only accept a shot that shows the dick at least half inside of the clothing.
/r/WomenOfColor (676.2K)
/r/EroticLightPlay (150)
/r/threesomemilfo (4.1K)
/r/401hookups (1.8K)
/r/tiktokporns_ (373)
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