The Sub for dogging and doggers alike. Anyone with an interest in dogging should join. Before you post please read the rules including submission requirements. If you adhere to these rules you should have no problems posting.
That’s it for now - happy dogging to you all.
Generally, postings of photographs and videos of male and female genitalia are not permitted on this community wall or in any comments. Similarly vivid descriptions of male genitalia are not allowed. Such information should be left to DMs if both parties agree, The exception to this is where such images specifically relate to dogging. Removal of posts is at the moderator's discretion and the perpetrator(s) will be banned from the community.
Posting of anything illegal on the community wall or in the comments is banned. This includes, but is not limited to, drugs, images of other individuals without the consent of either the owner or the person(s) portrayed therein, bestiality, and images texts pertaining to any individual under the age of majority in the UK (viz. 18). All perpetrators that break this rule will be banned immediately and details sent to the relevant enforcement authority.
The moderator's decision is final.
Prostitution and trading of any kind is banned in this community. This includes but is not limited to selling content, services for cash or voucher, references to onlyfans, pornhub, snapchat, cam sites.
If a member posts anything deemed trading, or has any reference on their profiles, or pasts posts relating to such activity, their membership of this community will be permanently suspended.
The moderator's decision is final.
We request that members are considerate to each other and post accordingly. We also ask you do not post the same comments across numerous headline posts or comments as this will be treated as spam and deleted as appropriate. Being discourteous will normally result in a short ban but if it continues the ban will become permanent.
In line with standard internet protocol, posting using capital letters is considered as shouting. Those that submit such posts are likely to receive a warning
There are submission requirements for all posts whether a headline post or a comment. .
To be able to post to this community you need to have had the profile for 7 days or more AND must have a minimum of 10 combined Karma. If you do not have these then your post will be placed in a queue for consideration by the moderators.
Headline posts must be a minimum of 100 characters in length.
Comment posts must be a minimum of 15 characters in length.
All images submitted to this community must be marked "spoiler" to hide previews giving users the choice as to whether or not to open the post.
Moderators will tag images with 'spoiler' if the originator overlooks this.
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This is a dogging related community and posts must reflect that. Any non dogging related posts will be removed
/r/UsedKnickersUK (3.0K)
/r/Doggingperth (15.8K)
/r/MinnesotaSpice (45.5K)
/r/UKSex (55.1K)
/r/womenarejustanimals (16.3K)
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