Lewd(er) manga, but not as lewd as hand holding.
/r/doujinshi does not condone piracy of any nature. Anything licensed to be sold will be removed and possible bans issued. Do not post licensed content unless you own the license!
Attempts to promote an aggregate site will be removed. These sites are designed to earn ad revenue off the work that scanlators do. You can use such site to read your doujins, but we don't want to drive traffic to them.
This includes contextual or literal indications of character age, such as:
Stated age of less than 18 within the posted work.
Attending elementary / middle school or suggestion of school-year prior to 3rd year of high school.
Other tropes which indicate sexualization of an underage participant (ex: 2000 year-old loli).
Read more here.
This subreddit has a stickied thread strictly for people who are looking to source an image, requests and recommendations. Posts asking for recommendations/sources are allowed. Attempting to skirt the aggressive automod configuration will result in an immediate ban.
Low effort posts are not allowed.
Examples of low effort posts :
Over compressed images.
Low(er) resolution.
Invalid link.
While we try to be accepting of many kinks, some are off-putting to others. If you wish to post gore, bdsm, scat, etc. Please seek out the respective subreddits. Moderator discretion will be used to determine of anything uploaded is considered 'shock content'.
Content which has been posted within the last 60 days
Content which is already in the Top 50 all-time
These are only examples, and this rule is enforced based on the spirit of the rule, not the letter of the law. For example, if you wait 61 days to repost something, you may face the same punishments.
Users must refrain from posting content specifically meant declare that others should disapprove of the posted content. This includes memes.
Examples Include:
References to law enforcement. (FBI OPEN UP, Lolice, etc)
Declarations that the character should be protected from "lewds". (NO LEWD, PROTECC, etc)
Suggesting or declaring age outside of relevant discussion. (She's only X years old.)
Users must consult the moderation staff for approval before attempting to promote their own websites or other off-Reddit communities (Discord, Kik, etc). Approval may not be granted.
Generally, an artist is allowed to promote their own communities and websites while sharing OC.
/r/Nekomimi (168.3K)
/r/dekaihentai (184.9K)
/r/muchihentai (173.2K)
/r/waifusgonewild (255.0K)
/r/QuintupletsHentai (78.8K)
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