Welcome to Downblouse where we dedicate our appreciation to the 8th wonder of the world, DOWNBLOUSE.
Here we focus on your contributions to downblouse and sideboob, with or without a nipslip. Yes that's right, sideboob. That elusive beauty that we can all appreciate just as much as downblouse. So, please enjoy and help us maintain a healthy adult environment for posters and viewers. While your here check out our sister subs listed below.
1. No Nudity
Dont focus on the genitals. This includes, but not limited to, the anus, buttocks, vagina.
Full nudity of the breast will not be tolerated.
Absolutely NO DICK PICS (real or fake) or videos (Instant Ban)
NO sex acts of any sort, in part or whole.
2. No Spam/ads (including within watermarks)
No adds or promoting. Advertising for goods or services is strictly forbidden.
No social media references on/in your post or comments or within your user name.
Asking for PMs/DMs/upvotes/love within your post is strictly forbidden.
No SPAM - Neutral sites such as imgur, gfycat MUST end in ".jpg"