A subreddit dedicated to @DrossDrawings and their (extremely lewd and good) art. Consider becoming a Patreon supporter (https://www.patreon.com/drossdrawings) to see premium content
Permitted posts include non-Patreon art, as well as fan art or cosplay of OCs. No, this sub is not for the Argentinian Youtuber of the same name.
You may only post content that has been publicly posted, either on @DrossDrawings on Twitter or from Tumblr pre-purge. If you're unsure, use Google Image search or any number of image searching sites. Consider posting a link to Twitter for newer works, and Pixiv for older works to verify that it is not a Patreon leak.
People are just tryna get off don't be a dick. Homophobia and transphobia aren't cool, even if it's just towards non-existent 2D soft bois or girls with dicks.
Rule of thumb: if you see someone of the same sex and gender identity and think they're attractive, its gay. Femboys, trans or non-binary people, and whatever else might blur the lines is probably "less gay", but there's no shame in liking androgyny. Personally I don't like the terms "trap" or "futa", but I probably won't outlaw their use.
/r/FateHentai (105.7K)
/r/transaiporn (471)
/r/hentaistraitjackets (16.1K)
/r/SadakoNSFW (45.5K)
/r/nudelegosi (14.0K)
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