Spicy subreddit /r/eroticpenpals

About this subreddit:

An adult subreddit for those seeking a penpal in erotic correspondence. We have a wide variety of posts including chat, roleplay and other creative types of interaction.


  1. 1. Untagged or Mistagged.

    All posts must be tagged with your gender, then the partner you are seeking. For example: [M4F] [A] - anyone [F] - female [M] - male [TF] - trans female [TM] - trans male. Please note this is your gender, and not the gender of the character you wish to play.

  2. 2. Personal Information

    Do not post any personal information – yours or others. This includes off reddit contact information, such as kik names, emails etc. Breaching this rule attracts an automatic ban.

  3. 3. Harassment/Disrespect

    Do not harass or be disrespectful to other members of the subreddit.

  4. 4. Underage Content

    No post may request or supply information regarding underage content, or sexualizing minors. This includes appearing to request underage content, whether directly or indirectly through post titles and language used in the post.

    Terms such as barely legal, just turned 18 will be treated as underage content.

    High School posts are banned.

    Anime posts are not allowed.

    Rule 34 posts and College posts must include the following disclaimer.

    " All characters are over the age of 18."

  5. 5. Frequency of Posting Rule

    Limit posts to one every 10 hours. Posts must be unique and cannot be repeated within 48 hours. Repeat posts are limited to twice every seven days.

  6. 6. NSFW links are not permitted.

    NSFW links are not permitted in posts.

    Do not post links to other subreddits in your post.

  7. 7. No images are allowed in posts, or to be offered or requested in posts.

    We do not allow requests for pictures, picture swapping or offering of pictures on posts or comments.

  8. 8. Off Reddit Platforms are not allowed in posts.

    Off Reddit Platforms are not to be included in posts. Off Reddit Contact information is not to be requested in posts.

  9. 9. Accounts must be 24 hours old to make a post

    Due to the number of new accounts that post and then delete within the first 24 hours, we have introduced a rule that accounts must be older than 24 hours before posting.

  10. 10. Reddit Content Policy

    All posts must comply with the Reddit Content Policy.

    The Reddit Content Policy prohibits illegal content, eg rape, incest, kidnapping, blackmail etc. Posts which do not comply with the Policy are removed and a ban is applied.

    Posts stating few or no limits are removed.

    Requests for discussion on previous experiences will be removed, as this could include content which does not comply with the Reddit Content Policy.

  11. 11. Roleplay posts must include a scenario.

    Posts requesting others send them ideas, are not allowed. If you wish to role play please write your own scenario, if you do not have any of your own ideas please respond to a post already on the board.

  12. 12. All users must be over 18.

    All users must be over the age of 18. If the Mods suspect a user is underage an immediate ban will be applied. Posts & Comments Reported as: Adult only sub, all users must be over the age of 18.

Number of subscribers:


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