A NSFW subreddit dedicated to videos and images of ladies in fishnets!
All submitted posts must feature a woman wearing fishnets.
If you continue posting pictures that don't belong here, you'll be permanently banned.
This is an 18+ sub reddit, anyone believed to be under this age will be removed. Please report to moderators if you suspect any breaking of this rule. This includes ‘barely legal teen’ style posts.
To apply for verification, please write today’s date, your exact username and r/fishnets on a piece of paper - scrunch it up and straighten it. Sending 3 photos of yourself holding the paper in various angles in an Imgur album to Modmail for us to review; please remember, the moderator team are all humans. Please don’t expect this to be turned around within seconds, we are only human. We will expect to know this is YOU, so please don't be upset if we require a repeat, it's for your safety too!
Self promotion in titles is not permitted. You may post that info in a comment - but please keep it to a minimum. We don't want this to become a 'selling-sub' as we reserve the right to change this.
Unnecessarily censored content and obnoxiously watermarked content is not welcome on /r/fishnets. For further detail regarding this rule, please see the wiki page here.
This is a safe place, be mindful of what you say to others.
Anything like (but not limited to) ‘to the 3 people that see this’, ‘receive X if you do X’, ‘upvote for more’, ‘barely legal…’, 'am I hot...', 'only interact if...'
We are not a hook-up sub. Please do not ask people to DM you, give away location or anything similar to this.
We only allow 1 post, every 8 hours. Please allow other people the chance to post and enjoy our sub.
/r/WomenOfColor (664.6K)
/r/TheSockDrawer (27.2K)
/r/creampiebegging (41.5K)
/r/DesiNSFWSubs (143.8K)
/r/onlyfanspromo (29.1K)
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