This subreddit is dedicated to Brats, Dommes, meangirls, hotgirls and femme’s who love posting themselves and their middle fingers. Nude, non-nude, gifs, and photos are all welcome.
All posts will include a Domme (clothed or nude) flipping off the camera/ posing with the middle finger up.
NOT the small penis or loser “L”.
The picture must include more than just a hand with middle finger up. No disembodied hands flipping off the camera.”
3 post removals will result in a ban.
Being an 18+ community, poster’s must be of legal age to post in r/FlipOffFetish. Please have some sort of age verification (AV) linked to your page to ensure posts aren’t removed.
Age verified sites are platforms that require user’s to upload a form of legal and valid ID before they may begin posting as a creator account.
Age verified sites we accept: -Onlyfans -LoyalFans -Fansly -ManyVids -IWantClips -Verified Redgifs
NOT acceptable sites for AV: -Throne -YouPay -PayPal -Snapchat
Sellers are allowed to post but NO advertising in posts, titles or comments. This includes social media names, payment app names, or links. Watermarks should reflect your Reddit username.
Femdom only.
In order to help prevent spam, you may post in r/FlipOffFetish once a day (24 hour period).
Please be respectful of everyone here. If you don’t like a post, just keep scrolling. We have a no tolerance policy for hateful or rude comments, one hateful post and you’re banned.
This is a 18+ only community. Any content involving illegal activity will be removed in addition to the poster being permanently banned and reported to Reddit’s administration.
This includes but is not limited to content that is suggested to depict minors, incest, bestiality, racism, homophobia and transphobia.
Posts that mention anything along the lines of “18 high school brat” are not allowed and will be removed for pedo baiting. Nothing about high school should be mentioned in a 18+ space.
Please do not share any personal information in r/FlipOffFetish. This includes names, locations, personal accounts/web sites, or any other contact information.
Do not post other people's photos (this includes your wife/girlfriend/person you're internet stalking). This will result in a permanent ban.
Watermarks are accepted and encouraged here. Protecting your digital media from piracy is important. We do ask that your watermark reflects your Reddit user name (per rule 3). Please do not post watermarks that distract from the image (i.e. overly large or excessive watermarks that block your middle finger).
/r/MissBratPerversions (24.4K)
/r/Femdompornforwomen (36.6K)
/r/BDSM_Smiles (79.3K)
/r/BratLife (107.7K)
/r/BlackmailSimps (1.4K)
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