Everyone depicted in vanilla FC is 18 or older, and there's no scat or guro. Those rules apply here. Any links to content that breaks these restrictions, including any mods of FC which might contain such content, will be immediately removed.
Everyone depicted in vanilla FC is 18 or older, and there's no scat or guro. Those rules apply here. If a mod of FC contains such content, please do not discuss those elements here; other content from such mods may be discussed.
Telling someone they're wrong is great; telling someone they're an asshole is not. Please take drama not relevant to FC elsewhere.
/r/NYr4r (69.4K)
/r/XXXGames (9.9K)
/r/nutaku (41.0K)
/r/Brisbanenaughty (18.9K)
/r/cltr4r (15.6K)
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