This is the official sub for where we share all the latest content and information about the intersection of sex and technology. This is a community and space dedicated to the important discussions surrounding how technology is transforming human sexuality and intimacy. Please read our rules before posting/joining.
Please follow the rediquette
This is a NSFW sub with sexual themes but it is not a place for pornography submissions. These will be instantly deleted and repeat offenders will be banned.
We want this community to be a safe place for everyone.
If you are an affiliate, that's fine! Please just be honest about it. Drop us a DM for permission to use the PROMO flair :)
Nobody likes a sore loser! If thing's get heated it's not an exscuse to troll someone. See rule 1 and 3 respectively.
Please don't hesitate to contact our mods. They won't bite.
/r/masturbation (168.7K)
/r/tenga (5.9K)
/r/Disabledsex (8.6K)
/r/digisexuals (881)
/r/SexDollWorld (8.6K)
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