For people who like their women silent.
Assholery includes but is not limited to being rude, obnoxious, *phobic, non-consensually misogynist, or advocating non-consensual violence
Late stage capitalism sucks and sex work is work, but please limit self promotion to an OF watermark or a single comment.
Do not repost the same image more than once every four months at the absolute max and ideally do not repost the same image at all.
No titles in the style of "respond with whatever for pix".
If you didn't make the picture, don't post as if you did.
If you paid a subscription fee for the picture, don't post it here.
If you ARE a creator and find your property here without your consent, or someone misrepresenting themselves as you, please message the mods and we'll get rid of it.
We don't care if you have very strong opinions about the "proper" way to wear a gag, do not hassle, or be rude to, people posting pictures of themselves even if you think they're not hardcore enough for you.
There's a sub for that, this isn't that sub. Please post all AI generated content to /r/gaggedAI
/r/industrialnudes (30.1K)
/r/medical_fetish (18.8K)
/r/DTF_Albuquerque_NM (1.7K)
/r/AI_Partner (324)
/r/yakima_Wild_Official (519)
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