This is a safe place for men to share NSFW photos. All submissions must include asshole.
Asshole must be prominently displayed
We are here for fun and the environment of this group does not accommodate sales of any kind whether its a service or product. i.e., no links to OF, etc.
Ex. Age [31] Check out my hole!
No underage individuals should be featured in any content posted to the group. All content here should also be about Males Only who are 18 and older.
Do not spam the group with irrelevant content or advertisements. Posting the same content over multiple times is also considered spam.
The group must be free from harassment to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all members. Respecting a person's choice to not be open to DMs is crucial for maintaining their privacy and autonomy. Everyone should feel comfortable and respected in the group, and unwanted messages or advances can create a hostile atmosphere. By upholding these boundaries, we promote a culture of consent and mutual respect within the community.
Rules of Reddit TOS and Guidelines does apply to this group. No loop holes about what is allowed in a particular area, we simply will not accommodate any version of this.
The group at this time is ENGLISH Only, any other languages we are not able to facilitate at this time. As such please keep your content and messages to the English Language.
From your own content to content of others you choose to post and talk about should not include Dirty Mirrors, Dirty Environment, Unclean Ass with tissue, fecal matter (SHIT), etc. This group does not accommodate that type of content.
It's essential to prioritize the quality of media content, especially when sharing it with others. Low-quality media, such as fuzzy, pixelated, or unclear images and videos, can be frustrating and make it difficult for others to fully enjoy or engage with the content.
Use the appropriate tags so that persons may fully understand the content and limit the many misunderstandings that could arise from lack of labels on content.
/r/NSFW_gay_porn (13.6K)
/r/TheGayLibrary (55.4K)
/r/gaykik00 (9.0K)
/r/uncut_stigma (58)
/r/GayBBL_AllGayAssShots (6.4K)
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